About CBNRM EDA Project

The project titled “Empower to Adapt - Creating Climate Change Resilient Livelihoods through Community Based Natural Resource Management in Namibia” (CBNRM EDA) Project” is funded to the tune of USD 10 million by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) through Enhanced Direct Access (EDA) with the National Designated Authority (NDA) being the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. The CBNRM EDA Project is implemented by the Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF), as the accredited entity to the GCF, through a Project Management Unit (PMU) for 5 years (2017-2021).

The project aims to ensure that local communities within the Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) areas have reduced vulnerability and increased resilience to the anticipated impacts of climate change by incorporating climate adaptation response strategies into local practices so that assets, livelihoods and ecosystem services are protected from climate-induced risks associated with expected droughts, seasonal shifts and other climate disaster events.

The targetted beneficiaries for the CBNRM EDA Project are the duly gazzetted communal conservancies and community forests in Namibia.

GCF Results Areas

Health, food and water security
Livelihoods of people and communities
Ecosystems and ecosystem services

UN Sustainable Development Goal

#11 Sustainable cities and communities

Apply Now!

Call for proposal is now open for funding under the CBNRM EDA Project Grant Facility until 3 November 2018

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